Additional $300M for Point-of-Care Testing Program

Additional $300M for Point-of-Care Testing Program

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that the federal government will be giving an additional $300 million for point-of-care tests. It is believed that these tests have saved tens of thousands of lives. This has been especially true with residents in long-term care settings. With the additional allocated funding, about 60 million Abbot BinaxNOW tests and technology will be purchased.

Approximately 5.3 million point-of-care tests had been distributed to nursing homes by September of last year. This contributed in helping save thousands of lives. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also provided guidance and support by sending teams to nursing homes to help conduct testing and care. The guidelines and reimbursement policies of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) also helped to make the efforts a success.

To date, about 50 billion BinaxNOW tests have been distributed to point-of-care test sites which includes skilled nursing homes and assisted living facilities. This helps to protect the senior population who are at an higher risk during this pandemic.

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