Elder Care Sector Should Prepare for Increasing Arthritis Cases Among Seniors

Elder Care Sector Should Prepare for Increasing Arthritis Cases Among Seniors

A recent national survey has concluded more adults are being diagnosed with activity-limiting arthritis. This is especially prevalent in seniors reports McKnights. Researchers who conducted the study state the public health sector should start preparing for upcoming challenges when providing care to these individuals.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) conducted this study from 2016 to 2018. It was concluded that 1 in 4 adults had arthritis. About half of those who responded to the survey were aged 65 or older. Currently, approximately 58 million adults have been diagnosed with arthritis of which 26% will have limited activity caused by the disease. The study also concluded adults with limited economic opportunities and physical disabilities were more likely to be diagnosed with arthritis.

Researchers Charles G. Helmick, M.D. and colleagues concluded that the aging population of diagnosed individuals along with other health factors will prolong these trends. For this reason, the senior care sector including nursing homes should be prepared to manage “substantial challenges.”

The agency’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly report claims clinical care coordination can help decrease the spread of the disease and side effects. Interventions may be able to help adults who have limited mobility due to arthritis.

Helmick and colleagues stated “[c]reating a ‘social, physical and economic environments that promote attaining the full potential for health and well-being” may help decrease the impact of the disease while improving quality of life.

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